I Understand

Finally we will slowly open up to the public after several years and a lot of hard work in silence. Since 1990 when I first started a sports car project together with our chief of design, Mr Tue Beijer and the world famous Italian Engineer Giotto Bizzarrini a lot has happened. Many fantastic people have joined our team. Our whole life has circulated around creating a supercar for a generation that is looking for a more modern way to drive fast than by just adding horsepower.

Ultra light design and more efficient drivetrains is our answer to that demand. We have not been driven by getting the car on the market as fast as possible, rather more by doing it right and in a pace where we have been able to reflect on and test ideas before deciding on them. This journey has given us more experience than we ever could have expected. The team is now a network of 15 dedicated and very bright young engineers and designers gathering around our idea, contributing with each and everyone’s special competence. Over time we have grown into a small but very competent and different kind of engineering business with a focus on brand driven industrial design. And even though we are car freaks we love all kinds off problems that can be solved with smart design and engineering. Solutions that are not just smarter, but also look fantastic. We tend to fall in love with everything we work with. On this site you will be able to follow us on our journey and you are welcome to contact me if you think you can contribute in any way. If you need help to solve a design- or an engineering problem you are more than welcome to make an enquiry.


von Braun Engineering

Who we are

We are a Swedish Engineering company focused on vehicle design and construction. Our team is small but highly skilled and creative. We are working integrated with design and CAD construction based on the brand platform that is unique for each client.


Our differentiation is light weight designs and constructions for high performance vehicles that is taken all the way. We are focused on modern motor techniques and electric drive for best possible performance with minimal environmental impact.

Light weight designs.

Lightweight design is made from clever design ideas using the advantage of composite materials instead of just exchanging the steel against composite. This is one of the areas where our company can contribute for others.

Technique and staff with focus on performance.

The company engineers and test drivers are trained on racetracks and have skilled and educated competence in vehicle dynamics for performance cars.

An instrument for advanced driving in a sustainable environment

The company is currently developing an electric supercar under the brand - von Braun. The vision are ”the fastest car in the world is electric”. As an alternative, the same car has a totally new revolutionary and specially developed combustion motor.

Prosjekt & informasjon


Henrik Ludvigsson

Mere om Henrik


 von Braun

Torbjörn von Braun

Mere om Torbjörn

Utdanning: Livet det selv med innspill fra ledelsen rådgivere, familie og trening på Stockholm School of Economics. Backround: learning by doing har alltid vært veien videre for Torbjörn von Braun. Helt siden han var tenåring hans hjerte tilhører eksotiske biler. I begynnelsen når det var noe nettverk, kundebase eller eksotiske biler i hans nære omgivelser begynte han å endre standard biler og senere også bygge biler med en spesiell design i farens garasje. Hans lite selskap vokste med flere kunder også kommer fra utlandet. Disse kundene trengte hjelp med restaureringer av klassiske biler eller andre bilrelaterte unike prosjekter. Dette var en tidkrevende jobb og ikke en enkelt bedrift å lage lønnsomme for en ung entreprenør. For å skape mer flyt av jobber som var lettere å belaste, fokuserte han mer og mer av virksomheten i retning av vedlikeholds-og salg av standard serieproduserte biler fra Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Porsche og andreklassiske produsenter av sportsbiler. Historien om hans fortid gjenspeiles i den kreative verden inne von Braun Engineering inkludert sportsbil prosjektet, mens de mer business tenkende virksomhet gjenspeiles i salget, auksjoner, logistikk og nettverk av teknologisentre. All erfaring fra Sir Torbjörn von Braun og nettverket av kreative mennesker rundt ham i ulike deler av verden er den grunnleggende basis av von Braun merkevare og virksomhet.
