Slowly slowly our team grows with great people. We are proud to introduce 3 new persons to our clients and friends:
Camilla Öhrnberg - Human Resource and Marketing.
Her important job is to work internally with brand promises and to create and develop the winning team at von Braun on a global basis. Camilla is dedicated and has a special gift when it comes to sensitivity regarding humans and communication.
Mazi Khirollahi - Sales Project Development.
Mazi has been supporting also the von Braun Engineering team, leading a aerodynamic project for VB101 during his education at Chalmers University of Technology. In the near future Mazi will be busy with developing many of the structural IT solutions, sales support and quality rutines at von Braun related to global sales of sports cars. He is also in charge of the vonBraun Lifestyle sales.
Mats Hallman
Mats is a well known person for many sports Cars owners in Sweden. He´s been a shareholder at von Braun Sports Cars before and developed the Swedish Ferrari sales together with von Braun in the 1990´s. He is also well known as one of the founders of MrCap - a franchise concept operating on the automotive aftermarket. He is now back in the sports car selling business as a Specialized Sales Agent based in Jönköping - Sweden.